h-m-m is a terminal-based tool for managing mind maps. This guide will show you how to integrate it into your Nix environment using home-manager. We’ll cover fetching the script from GitHub, configuring the PHP environment, and setting up an executable command.

Step 1: Update home.nix

Add the following configuration to your home.nix file:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  # Fetch the GitHub repository containing h-m-m
  phpRepo = pkgs.fetchgit {
    url = "https://github.com/nadrad/h-m-m.git";
    rev = "f9ce96b719def746e7299d897ce43c9633b42c90";  # Commit hash
    sha256 = "sha256-2+oXGYpaCqQG6+yh3/pMwQxIC39M7XTDRIEqWboVo0c=";  # Checksum

  # Path to the h-m-m PHP script
  phpScript = "${phpRepo}/h-m-m";

  # PHP with mbstring extension
  phpWithMbstring = pkgs.php.withExtensions ({ all, ... }: with all; [ mbstring ]);

  home.packages = [

    # Create an executable for the h-m-m script
    (pkgs.writeScriptBin "h-m-m" ''
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      ${phpWithMbstring}/bin/php "${phpScript}" "$@"

  # Additional home-manager configurations can be added here


Fetching the Repository

  • fetchgit: Clones the repository containing h-m-m.
  • url, rev, sha256: Specifies the repository URL, commit hash, and checksum for verification.

PHP Configuration

  • phpWithMbstring: Installs PHP with the mbstring extension required by the script.

Executable Wrapper

  • writeScriptBin: Wraps the PHP script into an executable named h-m-m, which runs with the specified PHP interpreter and forwards any command-line arguments.

Step 2: Apply Configuration

Apply the changes to your environment by running:

home-manager switch

Result After applying the configuration, you can use h-m-m directly from your terminal to work with mind maps:

h-m-m [arguments]